To carry out supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the complete lighting installation.
Building 1
- The luminaires on Building 1 generally comprise Bollard luminaires and bulkhead directional signage above emergency exit doors.
- Three luminaires are also be provided at the south end of the rooftop for installation onto the emergency escape route. The final locations of these were agreed on site after carrying out testing of the luminaires in various locations.
Building 2
- The luminaires on Building 2 illuminate the walkways around the circular atrium, the multi-level walkway to the straight façade of the atrium, and the outer areas that connect the two main rooftop lift motor rooms.
Building 3
- The luminaires on Building 3 illuminate across the main roof area, the walkways adjacent to the atrium and the multi-level walkways connecting the main Building 3 rooftop plantroom and Building 1.